Threads 101: A Guide to Mastering Meta’s Newest Social Media Platform

The logo for Meta’s new app, Threads.

On Wednesday, Meta launched Threads, described as “a new app for sharing text updates and joining public conversations.”

Within 24 hours of its launch, the app gained over 30 million users and shot to the #1 spot in the App Store - social media apps come and go often, but if those numbers don’t speak to the potential of this one, we don’t know what does!

Chances are you’re already a part of the 30 million and counting users who have downloaded the app, but if you’re still on the fence, here are a few things you should know about Threads.

  • Threads accounts are directly linked to your Instagram accounts. You can auto-transfer your username, bio, profile picture, and following list right from IG with just a couple of taps.

  • “Threads,” the app’s version of a post, can consist of text, photos and videos. Users have the ability to repost and quote Threads, very similar to the engagement methods on Twitter.

  • Unlike its Musk-owned competitor, Threads contains no ads, no hashtags and no DMs.

At two days post-launch, Threads is still very much in its infancy. But especially with the recent controversies surrounding major changes to the user experience on Twitter, we expect to see this app continue to grow. Here’s what we think Threads has going for it:

Threads’ “Follow all” feature that users are prompted with upon account creation.

  • A large user base to pull from. Since the app is directly tied to its predecessor, Instagram, we expect a good majority of Instagram’s 2 billion+ users to make their way to Threads. Compared to Twitter’s 500 million users, we might even see Meta’s new app knock its competitor out of the park!

  • A community-first interface. With no ads and no DMs, Threads is giving users space to interact out in the open with almost no distractions.

  • A jump-start to follower counts. Many users are opting to connect with their full follow list from Instagram once they join threads, which means most don’t have to go through that dreaded waiting period to gain a solid amount of followers.

The question of the week for marketing departments and social media managers everywhere: should we be on Threads?

Short answer: yes. Long answer: there are a few things to keep in mind as your brand (or your client’s brand) makes its debut on Meta’s novel app.

  • Mark your territory ASAP. Meta has made it incredibly easy to claim your username on Threads, so be sure to create an account sooner than later, transfer your following list, make an initial post or two and watch the numbers roll in.

  • Engage, engage, engage. The nature of apps like Twitter is to foster conversations among users with similar interests - Threads is no different in that regard! Reply, quote and repost away so that your brand doesn’t get lost in the shuffle as the app continues to grow.

  • Keep an eye out for the app’s niche. Every major social media app has a unique value proposition of its own - Instagram for photos, Twitter for threads and conversations, TikTok for video, LinkedIn for professional content. Since Threads is so new, there’s no telling what purpose it will become known for to the public, but we can still stay on the pulse of what’s performing well on the app. So far, content is leaning more lighthearted and interactive than serious or sales-driven.

  • Don’t break up with your current social media strategy. We’ve seen apps with similar interfaces to Twitter come and go over the years, so the safest bet is to simply get your feet wet on a new app and see where time takes it. Especially if you have strong engagement with your audiences on your more long-standing platforms, now isn’t the ideal time to abandon them. As much as you can, make time for the old and the new platforms!

Will Threads be the app to complete Mark Zuckerberg’s holy trinity of social media giants? We’ll find out soon!